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Interviewing with Grab (Backend Software Engineer)

· 2 min read
Ang Xuan Ze



As another unicorn in Singapore, although Grab isn't the company with the best prospects ($GRAB LUL), but the engineering aspects seem to be pretty decent.


Overall Experience: Good, some interviewers can be very uptight
Difficulty: Easy -> Medium-ish
Received Offer: No

First Round (HR)

  • What do you look at when you choose a company to join
  • Why did you choose Grab
  • Expected Salary

Second Round (Codility Test)

2 Questions, similar to:

Third Round (Coding)

Fourth Round (System Design)

  • Top level design
  • DB schema design
  • API schema design
  1. Design an online movie ticketing system
  • Big cinema with multiple locations across the country
  • Each location has multiple screening halls
  • Site has to display movie information, showtimes, bookings, payment
  • Not neccesary to implement payment system (via 3rd party gateway)
  • Handle race condition
  1. Design a meeting room booking system
  • Big MNC with many offices across the globe
  • Should support create / update / delete of meeting rooms
  • Ability to book a meeting room with specified duration, and cancel booking
  • Block booked slots to avoid duplicated bookings