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Bubble Sort

  • Iterate through the array elements one by one, and check if one is greater than the other.
  • If yes, swap the two elements
  • After every run, it is guranteed that the last element will be sorted. We can slowly make the range smller by 1 element each time, hence j < len(slice)-i-1
  • Optimized: If no elements were swapped after the first iteration, that means no element is out of order. We can stop sorting.


Time Complexity

O(N) Best case - When elements are already sorted

O(N^2) On average - Total number of comparisons = n(n-1)/2

O(N^2) Worst case - When array is reversed sorted

Space Complexity



func bubbleSort(slice []int) {
for i := 0; i < len(slice); i++ {
for j := 0; j < len(slice)-i-1; j++ {
if slice[j] > slice[j+1] {
tmp := slice[j+1]
slice[j+1] = slice[j]
slice[j] = tmp

func bubbleSortOptimized(slice []int) {
swapped := false
for i := 0; i < len(slice); i++ {
for j := 0; j < len(slice)-i-1; j++ {
if slice[j] > slice[j+1] {
tmp := slice[j+1]
slice[j+1] = slice[j]
slice[j] = tmp
swapped = true
if !swapped {

func main(){
b := []int{33, 1, 5, 8, 22, 1, 55, 5, 99, 123, 90, 456, 333, 890, 1000, 999}
fmt.Println("Before:", b)
fmt.Println("After:", b)

c := []int{33, 1, 5, 8, 22, 1, 55, 5, 99, 123, 90, 456, 333, 890, 1000, 999}
fmt.Println("Before:", c)
fmt.Println("After:", c)